‘Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.’– Psalm 34 v 8
Lesson Aim
To understand that a person needs to commit their life to Jesus.
Hook: Beefburger – fast food
Elaborate on each of these points
1. A person can have heard about how good a beefburger is (give examples of fast food slogans).
2. A person can see a burger (refer to the different parts and how good they look).
3. A person can smell a burger. Allow someone to smell it.
4. A person can feel a burger. Emphasise and compare the different textures of the roll, meat and salad parts.
5. None of this is any good until a person acts, takes a bite and tastes the burger for themselves.
Explain how people can have heard about Jesus but that does not make them Christians.
When Jesus was on earth people could have seen Jesus and witnessed His miracles, but that did not make them believers.
People have the opportunity to know God and to experience His goodness for themselves. Do you seek to know God in this way?