“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” Genesis 8 v 22
Lesson Aim
To understand that God provides our daily food
Hook: Large letters – H.A.R.V.E.S.T. and a seedling growing in a pot (or any plant which will produce food).
Show the children the large letters of the word ‘harvest’ mixed up and ask the children to make a word from them. Then take away one letter, the ‘h’ and ask them to make a new word – ‘starve’.
Explain that just one letter is the difference between harvest, having plenty of food, and starve, not having enough food.
Show the seedling and ask these questions which the children should be able to answer.
What does the plant need to grow? [Water and light/heat]
What would happen if the plant didn’t have any water? [The plant would die]
What would happen if the plant had too much water? [The plant would die]
What would happen if the plant didn’t have any light and heat? [The plant would die]
What would happen if the plant had too much light and heat? [The plant would die]
God makes sure that people do not starve by giving plants the right amount of water, light and heat so that plants can provide food for us. Sometimes there are parts of the world where food does not grow, but throughout the whole world there has always been enough food to feed everyone.
Finally, read God’s promise given to Noah that there would always be a seedtime for planting crops and a harvest time for gathering food. God has always kept his promise and that is why we can celebrate our harvest today.