Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14 v 6
Lesson Aim
To understand that God directs us throughout our life.
Hook: Satnav
Show a Satnav and illustrate some of its uses e.g. giving written directions to a new place, giving a map of an area, giving oral directions to a place. If possible get the Satnav to speak to you in front of the children.
Ask the children what happens if the driver takes a wrong turn. They should be able to tell you that the Satnav will tell you to do a u-turn or send you on a different route.
Ask whether their parent has ever deliberately taken a wrong turn to find out what happens. Allow the children to share their experience about this type of situation.
Finally compare a Satnav to the words of Jesus. Jesus tells us that he will show us the way to God and that way is through Him. God, like a Satnav, always knows where we are and offers us the best way of getting to our destination. We can choose to obey or ignore God – just like we choose to obey or ignore the Satnav.