‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’ Matthew 28 v 19
Lesson Aim
To understand the Trinity
Hook: Large jug of water, kettle, ice cubes
Show the jug of water and say that you are going to divide the water three ways; as a solid, as a liquid and as a gas. Show how some of the water can be placed in an ice cube tray and pretend to freeze it. Then talk about how the ice can be allowed to melt and become water again.
Place some water into the kettle and as the kettle boils carefully hold a cold tray near-by so that some of the water vapour condenses and returns to liquid water.
Emphasise how the water can be divided into three parts and each part can take a different form (solid, liquid and gas) but it can be returned back together into one jug of liquid.
Story tips
This is a very difficult concept to understand, even for adults. However, you might find that children, especially ‘church children’ can grasp the doctrine using this illustration.
Finally you need to compare the water to God. There is one God who exists in three different parts, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Three in one and one in three.
Great care needs to be taken when trying to hold the tray near the water vapour. Remember steam burns!